Friday, September 21, 2018

Back In The Saddle

Mia started up at MARE again.  She's been riding there since Calvin was a baby--she had just turned 3 when she started riding.  Her birthday is coming up, so we are nearing on 8 years of riding at MARE!  When she first started riding, she rode a tiny horse named Sally.  Her horse was about the size of those at pony rides that people take kids to when they are little.  Now that she is older, she rides a huge horse - Haven.  We love Haven.  Haven is a sweet horse and does really well with Mia.  Her riding instructor this year is the same instructor she had the first time she went to MARE.  This instructor had left and is now back, so it is neat to see her again and for her to see how much Mia has changed.  She is a great instructor, so we are excited for her to be back at MARE. 

So I found some pics, and here is Mia's first ride in November of 2010!!!  She was so tiny!

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