Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have much to be thankful for. Looking back at the last 8 weeks, God has had his hand on our family in ways that have been very apparent and some we don't even know. It is nice to know that we serve an awesome and mighty God who is very present in our lives at all times.

So, even though it was a long day for Mia, we know that God has been watching over her the entire time and knows what is best for her. The doctors tried for several hours to put a PICC line in her, but to no avail. As a result, they might have to put in another central line instead. If they put in the central line, it will require another surgery. It is a little more invasive than a PICC line, however there are advantages to having a central line. As we continue to wait and see what the doctors decide, our prayers would be that she receives what is best for her.

As Thanksgiving comes to an end, we are grateful for all of you who continue to encourage, support, and pray for Mia. May God bless you all as you so richly bless us.

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