Monday, November 26, 2007


Today has been a long day for Mia and it is not over yet as I write this post. Her feeds have increased tremendously today. She is now at 16 cc's (about 1/2 ounce) every 3 hours. If you remember from before she was every 6 hours, but today Mia made the transition to every 3 hours and she has been doing just fine with that. Praise God!

Today they also tried to put a PICC line in Mia around 5pm with no success. In the process, one of her IV's came out and so they changed all of her other IV fluids to the other IV. I left at about 7pm when they normally kick me out because of shift change and when I came back at 8pm her left arm had swollen up because the IV wasn't working and the fluids were being pumped into her arm. So now she has no IV that is working. On duty tonight is the registered nurse who is very good at placing PICC lines, so when I left the hospital, she was in the process of trying to place a PICC line on Mia. She had gotten the line in, but it was not curling like she wanted it. So we continue to trust God regarding this situation. She still needs a line for her antibiotics.

We thought that she would get a bone scan today, however, that hasn't happened and so it may happen tomorrow. The good news is that the radiologist who was looking at Mia's xray isn't quite so sure anymore that she has a bone infection, however, they are still going to do a scan on her to make sure.

I look back on what has happened today and what is yet to come and I am reminded that things may look impossible for us, but for God anything is possible. He can easily allow the PICC line to be placed and he can make sure she doesn't have a bone infection. And so I pray for those things, but I also trust that He knows what is best for her and it might not be what I think is best. I'm just glad that He knows what is best.

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