Monday, April 21, 2008

Pre-Op Stuff

Today we did a bunch of pre-op stuff with Mia. We went to see her pediatrician where they collected a urine sample to make sure she is finished with her bladder infection. We'll find out in 48 hours about that. We also went and had her blood work done at Mercy Southwest. Unfortunately she had to get poked twice because they didn't get enough blood the first time around...she was an unhappy baby, but right after I put her in her car seat and she calmed down immediately. It was like she knew that she was going away from that horrible place and they weren't going to poke her anymore...her car seat was a safety zone for her. Pray that they are able to get her lab work done with the blood they drew and pray that it is normal. Pray also for a clear/normal urine analysis.

Pray for us on Wednesday also because we'll be going to UCLA for a long day...we need to be there really early, 9am, so we are planning on leaving Bako-land super pray for travel and that we are able to accomplish all we need to do on Wednesday. We'll keep you updated.

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