Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ready For The May Flowers

Well, lots of news to report. First off, Mia has another bladder infection and is on antibiotics again for 10 days. The good news is we caught it early...before she got a fever, so she's doing just fine. We wouldn't have known except they ran the urine culture again on her. The other good news is that she can still go through with surgery because it is only a bladder infection. The chance of infection after surgery is just a tiny bit more, but she'll be on her antibiotics so she should be fine.

We also weighed her yesterday and she's now 12 pounds 2 ounces! Praise God, that is awesome! She continues to eat pretty well and yesterday she got a new vegetable...squash, which she really liked.

Recently though she's having more vomiting issues and last night she threw up quite a bit after her antibiotic, so we're not really sure what's going on with her tummy, but pray that she'll keep her food down and we'll figure that out.

Specific prayers for us tomorrow and the coming days:

1. Pray for the surgeons (there will be a neurosurgeon to take off the plates and there will be a plastic surgeon to reconstruct it properly). Pray that they are well rested and do an excellent job. Pray that she won't have to go through this again, pray for complete success with the first operation.

2. Pray for recovery. We expect there to be swelling and she won't be able to see for a few days because her eyes will be swollen shut. Yet we serve a God much bigger than that and pray that her swelling would be minimal, if not at all. Pray that she would recover very quickly. And pray for her pain.

3. Pray for her brain and eyes. The surgery is so close to those, pray that there would be no damage. In fact, they have to detach her eyes from the skull (at least I think they are attached there...I could be wrong...regardless they have to detach her eyes from whatever they are attached to) and we asked them how they reattach them and they said they didn't, that the eye muscles know how to reattach themselves in the appropriate spots. So pray for that also, but isn't that awesome that God created us in a way that our eye muscles know how to reattach! I'm more and more amazed at the detail of the human body.

4. Pray for wisdom with all the people taking care of Mia, that they would respond appropriately to her needs.

5. Pray that she wouldn't get an infection after surgery. And pray that her bladder infection would go away completely and not come back.

We'll try to update this as soon as we can after surgery. Her scheduled surgery time is 7:30am and they told us it goes about 6 hours. It humbles me to look at the map and see people all over the world praying for Mia, thank you. God continues to be so good to Mia and we are grateful.


Nikki said...

We're praying!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute little girl. I love the personality peeking out of these pictures! ...I'm praying in Italy!

GinaE said...

Praying for Mia daily!!

Anonymous said...

We have been praying for you all! This morning starting at 4am the Lord has awakened me to pray for you and all the concerns you today especially!! We love you!!! God is good!

jizzle said...

Mia, we're praying for you! You are so lucky to have such an awesome Mom and Dad. We have faith that you will be crawling around eating crumbs off the floor in no time!!! Love, Judy, Jessica and Brandi