Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Another LA Visit

Today we went to LA with Mia to visit more of her doctors. Mia's Uncle Paul drove so that Daddy could stay at home and work. Thank you Uncle Paul!

Before we left Mia got weighed today and she is now 13 13...yup, 13 pounds 13 ounces. Too bad it isn't the 13th also. :)

Our first visit was with some of her former NICU doctors, they like to follow their patients and keep track of how they are doing. They were so excited to see her, a few of them even came in today just because she was on the list. Her OT (Occupational Therapist) from the hospital came to evaluate her. She was so excited with how well she is doing. So they did an assessment of her in three categories: cognitive, social and motor skills. Socially she is average. Cognitively she is low average...and the OT told us that she had to mark her down on some of the questions because she isn't using her left hand as much and so really, if she didn't have her left hand issues she would have scored a lot higher. And then motor skills she is very low, but that's because she isn't crawling or walking yet. Anyway, the point of the assessment was to get a baseline so that when they see her again in three months they'll determine how much progress she is making. Overall though they were so pleased with how she's doing! We know she's a definite miracle, thank you God!

Oh and everyone loved her helmet...they thought it was the cutest thing ever. Thanks again Sam for doing such a great job!

1 comment:

Eliza said...

So encouraging! Praise the Lord!