Sunday, January 25, 2009

Will you praise God with us!

So one of our struggles all along has been getting Mia to gain weight and eat food, well, she is now 18 pounds 7 ounces, she's gained 1 1/2 pounds in less than a month, that is phenomenal for our little girl, usually she barely makes 1 pound in a month, so we are so excited about her weight gain. Thank you God!

Mia has also slept through the night 4 times in a row, which is also amazing. And we are ever so grateful for that. We know it is beneficial to her and to us also. By the way, we haven't had to cry it out yet...still an option if there are nights of sleeplessness, but we are grateful she's doing it on her own.

Her head is growing slowly, another praise! And we continue to pray that the helmet will fix the step down in front and reshape her head properly. Thank you for continuing to pray for her, God is so good!

Please also pray for crawling and walking, we know it is possible, we just don't know when. Help us to be patient as we wait on God's timing for this!


Sally said...

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! A full nights sleep makes all the difference in the world!! Praise God.

Anonymous said...

Bless the Lord, O My Soul! He's brought Mia and her dear parents a mighty long way!

Eliza said...

No plan of the LORDS can be thwarted! I can't wait to see what's next for Mia!

Anonymous said...

Great news! Give her a hug from us! :)

9ndhouse- Katie said...

How wonderful!!! I'm very excited for you and for Mia! It is sooo nice when changes are made smoothly and her weight gain is great!! Praying that everything will continue to progress and that in God's timing she'll be moving around faster than you'd ever imagined! :-)