Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Dearest Daddy,

I love you sooooooo much. You are the best Daddy ever! I wanted you to know how much I love you on your birthday and every day. I love how you always make me laugh, you say funny things and that's great. I actually like the pickles (hiccups), don't tell Mommy because she doesn't like it when you give them to me, but it's ok with me, you can keep doing that...I only get them when I laugh real hard and I love it when you make me laugh! I wore this shirt today because it's true, you are the handsomest Daddy ever! I hope you have a great birthday...and I hope I get lots of head kisses.

Your Sweet Pea,


Brad and Lisa said...

Dear Mia, I love you so much. Sometimes I worry about how you will develop and learn when you are older, but know that I am trusting God for the outcome and that you are doing so great! This morning you were trying to make your chatterbox Elmo talk, and I demonstrated to you how you lift up this head to open his mouth and you did it right away after me! That was so awesome and I can't wait to be there when you learn everything else! All my love, Daddy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Uncle Brad! Mommy showed me that granola bar and I kinda of would like some of that, too. Mommy worries about me growing and developing, too. She thinks sometimes that I should be like Jonah . . . but, I just smile and know that I am fearfully and wonderfully created by my Daddy and so, if I don't walk until I am two or say any words I am doing okay . . . Daddy is pleased with me and Mommy is learning that "Father Knows Best"! And, it wouldn't be much fun if we all learned the same way . . . like, I really, really like learning about toilets. They are way cool . . . Mommy always says, "Jonah never did that . . ." Well, let me tell you, Jonah missed out. Anyhow, I think Mia is super di duper and I can't wait to play with her. She has great taste . . . Elmo Rocks!

Well, have a nice rest of your birthday, Uncle Brad! See, God made you special, too! Hugs and Smooches, Jacob Barks