Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mia has become fairly good at getting into sitting alone. It's really nice because sometimes when I put her in sitting I don't know if she really wants to be there, so this has been a great change. She'll get out of sitting and into it when it pleases her.

Today Mia got into crawling from sitting for the first time. Her elusive Baby Tad was too far away to reach, so she got into crawling to be able to reach a bit further and then pulled him in and got back into sitting. That was real neat to watch.

Today Mia's teacher came to visit and brought along a walker. This walker is special because it only lets them move forward, not backward, so Mia was a bit frustrated at times because she likes to move both directions in her walker (and moving forward just started yesterday by the way!). Anyway, she doesn't walk in it, she pushes with both feet to move herself forward, but it's a start and we continue to be awed at how far she has come! God is so good to her!

On a side note, I was talking with her teacher about things that her classroom needs and one thing is those Bumbo chairs. So, any Bakersfield families who aren't in need of theirs anymore and would like to donate them, that would be so appreciated. Just send me an email or leave a note on this blog and I'll get in touch with you.


Anonymous said...

Mia looks so cute in her walker. I love looking at her and the progress that she is making. Yeah Mia!!

Anonymous said...

my husband Greg works with your husband and we have been praying for your family & bfollowing your blog...I wanted to give you info on a baby consignment store that opens 2X a mentioning the bumbo made me think of it!

Lita Norsworthy said...

We are constantly and consistently in awe of Mia's progress and God's wonderful grace in her little life. So excited to hear of all that she is doing. Soon she will be "Mia on the go!" We love YOU so much Mia! We love you too, Brad and Lisa. You will be in our prayers, especially as you discuss the upcoming surgery.
Even though we will be far away in Turkey, our hearts and prayers are with you!!
Praying for you and loving you, always,
Lita and Galen