Saturday, June 06, 2009

Happy To Be Home

So we are back safe from LA and happy not to have to go again until next week Thursday. The doctor told me that Mia was 85% healed and he was happy with how things were looking to re-stitch her bottom one more time and hopefully this will be the last time needed. He said there still is a concern that it might not continue to heal and so we aren't out of the woods yet, but he is very hopeful that we won't have the same problem again, so pray for us to reach that 100% of healing. Some indicators that it might not be going as it should would be for more of the granulation scar tissue to form on the outside again. He also said another concern at this point is that the scar tissue will scar hard instead of soft. If it scars hard then it might interfere with her ability to sense her muscles down there and potentially she wouldn't be able to control her bowels, so ideally we would want it to scar soft. So pray for that also. And thanks for continuing to pray for our sweet girl! These photos were last night after our trip to LA, she was watching one of her favorite videos (Kids Sing Along Songs) and was somewhat annoyed that I kept wanting to take her picture. ;) That's what Mommy's are for...


Eliza said...

Mia was in my dreams last night. I'm not sure why. She, Micah and I all were watching the Wiggles and having a great time.

I'm glad the procedures should be over now! I'll be praying for good, soft tissue healing!

Lita Norsworthy said...

Glad to hear the good reports, yet still praying over the concerns. We love you guys!!

Lita & Galen