Thursday, October 29, 2009

Praise God!

Tuesday evening Mia started saying "ah" again. It's been forever since we've heard that sound, so we were so excited when it showed up again! Will you join me in a Praise God!!!! And of course when we went to speech therapy today they were all super excited too. :)

At physical therapy we've been working on going from sitting on a little bench to standing without any help, just using the leg muscles to push to stand, and Mia has gotten very good at it. She loves playing this "game" with us, where we hold something up and she has to get it, or we give her something and she has to stand up to put it in a's really rather silly, but since she loves it we play it because we know it's a great strengthening/balance game. In the past few days I've noticed her go from being able to stand by herself for 3 seconds to 10 seconds, we're a making huge progress. It is really encouraging and I realize that we are one step closer to walking, which is so exciting. Here is a video of Mia and Daddy playing the "game".


Anonymous said...

I love the video! She's doing so great!! Can't wait to see you guys next week. :)

Chris Davis said...

That rocks! Way to go Mia!!!!!

Allison Snyder said...

Lisa - this video is precious! Thanks for sharing. How wonderful to see such a sweet milestone for little Mia.

Anonymous said...

Besides that . . . those leg warmers rock! Auntie Amy

Anonymous said...

Hey there! It's Jessica and Judy from BRC! The video is so cute. It seems like she hesitated with the second red block because she knew there was already one in the bucket...that was pretty cute. She is so beautiful and seems to be doing so well. You guys are doing a fantastic job.