Sunday, November 15, 2009


It's hard to believe that we are getting very close to Mia's final surgery. I was changing her colostomy bag today thinking, wow, I might not be doing this very much longer. Life will definitely be different without a colostomy bag. I can't even imagine what it will be like. So, some things you can pray for as we prepare for her next surgery.

1. Health, we are all recovering from a cold, so pray that Mia especially would be healthy and ready for surgery in a week and a half.

2. The doctors and surgery team, wisdom and preparedness for the day.

3. Peace, I get a bit anxious when I think about it, but then I remember how God has taken care of us through everything and it settles my nerves, but I am human, so pray that myself and Brad would be reminded of God's truths when we start to feel anxious or nervous.

On a different note, Mia has come so far in her eating, she's doing great...we are eating more new foods and more difficult foods and her chewing is getting stronger and better, so Praise God! Also, she's saying a few more sounds, every now and then we get a hi in the middle of a he and a ha, so Praise God for that also, please keep praying for more sounds and speech!


Anonymous said...

We are and will keep praying for the days ahead.We love you all.
Auntie Dar

Eliza said...

Seriously, the wedding pictures are so cute!

I will totally be praying for you guys and for the surgery.

Love you!