Thursday, January 12, 2012

Back in the swing of things...

School started this week, yay! It makes Mia very happy because she loves school and has a great time there. This also makes Calvin happy because he gets more Mommy time.

We've been making some contact with different surgeons for Mia's redo on her blocked nostril. We have some good leads and Brad was so smart in telling me to contact these places before we drive all the way there! We've spoken with a doctor in San Diego and another in San Francisco, right now the one in San Francisco is very promising, we are just going to look at a few more options before we make our final decision.

Calvin is slowly learning his letters (his sister makes sure he gets plenty of practice...). We have an S hanging near the changing table in his room and every time he sees it, he says, "ssssssss". I love it, I love watching him grow and develop and Mia does too, she especially loves hearing him try to say words. I love to watch her interact with him, she'll say, "Calvin, can you say" and then she'll get really excited when he says, "boo". It's fun. The simple things in life.

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