Tuesday, March 13, 2012

LA with 2.

I ventured on my first trip by myself to LA with both children. Believe it or not, I have have never done this with both kids by myself...I have a great support system at home with grandparents and a husband who give of themselves all the time to make sure I don't have to go to LA by myself. I was completely unsure how it would go, but we purchased a double stroller a few weeks ago, so I knew I could belt them both in if necessary for my sanity. :)

It went amazingly great...thankfully we have a portable DVD player, so they were happy the entire way watching DVD's. And by the grace of God I remembered to pack snacks, so when we had to wait nearly 2 hours to see the doctor, they at least were not hungry. The office we visited is new, so I wasn't sure what the layout was going to be, but it worked great...they had a playroom with a single door that I could sit by and make sure that my children stayed in the playroom rather than chasing them endlessly around the waiting room. That in itself was a complete life saver. And we ate at Carl's Jr for lunch...the best part is that they bring you your food, so I didn't have to leave my children unattended to go get it...I know, really minor, but a total blessing for me. And then, they slept the whole way home...yay!

We saw Mia's orthopaedic surgeon. A few weeks ago our pediatrician noticed she might have mild scoliosis, so we got her x-rayed in town. It came back showing scoliosis, so we scheduled an appt with her orthopaedic doctor to see what the plan is. He said that because she has overall muscle weakness, this contributes to the curved spine, but her curvature is so mild that they wouldn't do anything with it right now. If it gets to 20 degrees, she's less than 10 by their assessment, then they would brace her. So, right now, we'll just continue to follow up every 6 months and monitor it. Which is a huge praise. We are praying that it will either stay the same or get better...we know that our God is powerful enough to straighten her spine, if need be.

Now we are just happy to be back home. :)

Our next doctor visit is the first week of April. We will be in San Francisco for Mia's nose surgery, so you can keep us in prayer that everything would go smoothly and that the outcome would be great. We'll keep you updated on that as we get closer.

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