Thursday, May 03, 2012

Is it summer yet?!

It feels like summer, or at least like we are real close. We've had a busy week playing with cousin Joy and just having fun. Today the Mops (Mother's of Pre-Schoolers) group from our church had a play date at the park. They got a bounce house and the kids had a blast. I asked Calvin if he wanted to go in the bounce house, of which he replied, "no, no, no...", but then when he got closer and saw what it really was you couldn't keep him out. He thought it was great. And Joy had so much fun bouncing too. This past weekend we went to my brother's house in Palmdale. Their kids do 4H and raise pigs and sheep, so we went up there to see our very own petting zoo. They had just gotten their pigs that day and the sheep are pretty fresh too. Mia and Calvin really enjoyed being able to pet the animals and be up close with them. Calvin especially loved communicating with the pigs...he can make a really good pig noise. Lot's of fun things, we like fun!

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