Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Eight Months!

I say it every time, but I can't believe we've reached another month milestone.  In some ways it seems like it is going so quickly and yet in other ways so slow. 

Asher has embraced all types of foods.  He now happily eats table foods as long as they are soft, like sweet potatoe fries and bananas.  He loves crackers of all types...we are slowly moving away from pureed baby foods to whatever foods we are eating.  It feels like this is happening so much faster than the other babies. 

Asher is also furniture surfing these days.  He even attempted to step towards me the other day...I'm sure that walking will be in his near future.

He has a huge case of separation anxiety these seems like I can not even put the kid down for a moment before he starts fussing again.  It is rather exhausting.  We continue to battle with sleep...he got three teeth a few weeks ago and I sense another one coming in, the joys of teething. 

It was so hard to get a picture from a quick moving object, but this is what we got for eight months.  :)

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