Saturday, October 21, 2017

Pumpkin Patch!

Do you know how hard it is to get one kid to look at the camera and smile?  Well, try 3.

This is the best we got!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Happy 10th Birthday Mia!

This year we had a quiet birthday at home for Mia.  We had family come over and she had a game night for her birthday where everyone played games with her.  She is a game lover, so this was right up her ally!  Here are some pics from her birthday. 

The horse was supposed to go on the cake, but it was too heavy!

Off to the side is just right!

So sweet!!!!

Everyone wrote on the chalkboard what they love about Mia.  :)

Monday, August 21, 2017

Happy 7th Birthday Calvin!

Dearest Calvin,

Today is your birthday!  Today you are 7!  It's hard to believe that the little baby we took home from the hospital is growing up into such a nice, young boy.  You have a zest for life and learning and we love it!  You are inquisitive about so many wonderful things and really enjoy learning about science topics, like dinosaurs, animals, and space. 

Today is also Solar Eclipse day.  The first Solar Eclipse that the United States has seen in many years.  That's kind of neat that your birthday ended up being the day of the Solar Eclipse.  We watched it live on the NASA streaming page and went outside and looked at crescent shadows on the ground.  We watched the world turn a little bit darker in our town, but not completely because we weren't in the path of totality. 

Saturday was your party, an ocean themed party.  You had so many nice friends come for the party.  It was a fun time and there are some pics of your cake (which was decorated partially by you) and the games played. 

This year you start 1st grade and we are so excited for the things you will learn.  We love you so much Sonshine!

All our love,
Mommy, Daddy, Mia and Asher

The octopus was intended as a bean bag toss game, but then you and your friends quickly figured out that it was perfect as a stage prop for taking pics in!

Monday, July 17, 2017


I miss blogging.  I remember when Mia was born and I sometimes updated the blog daily, if not every other day.  I felt guilty for missing a day.  I've missed six months!  Just like that, in a blink of the eye. 

What have we been up to?  We finished our first year at Legacy with the kids.  They had a great year and we are looking forward to another great year this coming fall.  Mia will be in 3rd and Calvin will be in 1st.  Asher has one more year at home, so he will be with Grandma Cheri while I teach a few hours each morning.  

We've managed to do a few fun trips this summer.  We spent a day at Morro Bay, a day up at the Sequoias and a day at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium.  The kids are getting bigger and have been able to manage day trips much better.  That works for us because it is a lot of work to pack up and get a hotel, if we can do a day trip, then we can be back home and in our beds which is perfect. 

Jon, Carmen and the boys were here for about a month, so we've enjoyed quite a bit of family time with them.  The kids were so sad when the cousins had to leave, they play so well together and love being with each other...we were all sad when it was time to say goodbye.  

We've been doing a lot of driving to LA working on Mia's scoliosis with specific therapy.  It reminds me of when she was little and I was driving to LA for so many doctor appointments.  Thankfully, there are no babies to feed or fussiness...well, not a lot of fussiness ;)  That makes it easier. 

Mia continues to be seizure free.  We've had a few incidents where she has made comments or acted differently that have put us on higher alert, but so far, she continues to be seizure free.  Our prayer is that she would have another great year without any seizures!  Praise God that she is doing so well.  

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Happy 4th Birthday, Asher!

Dearest Asher,

It's hard to believe that today you are 4!  We remember the anticipation of your arrival and how excited we all were to be getting another baby boy.  Out you came weighing 10 pounds 4 oz!  You were a big baby.  And you are still a big boy today, you weighed in this morning at 40 pounds (practically the same weight as your brother and sister now!).  You are now 42 inches...taller than any other kid of ours at your age! 

You love everything Lego these days.  That makes Daddy very happy.  It's amazing to watch you look at the Lego directions and figure out how they go.  You are very good at building things. 

And you love to sing.  Right now, you are a humming your own tune while building a Lego.  The perfect day, quite possibly! 

Your favorite foods are pizza, macaroni & cheese, and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.  You like most fruits and tolerate most vegetables.  You'd rather have desert first, though.  Who wouldn't? 

These days, Mama is still your best friend, but you are developing a strong friendship with your brother and sister also...especially your brother.  You want to do everything he does...except go to school.  :)

We love you sweet boy and are just so blessed to have you in our family!  We continue to love watching you grow and develop into who God created you to be. 

Love, Always and Forever,
Mommy and Daddy...
Mia and Calvin