Monday, February 11, 2008

4 Months Tomorrow!

Mia is officially four months old tomorrow. It is hard to believe that we are already in February, it seems like we were just getting home from the hospital. Because she is 4 months it means that it is time for another round of immunizations. So pray for our trip to the doctor tomorrow. Pray that she does well with the shots...I believe she has to get 4...and pray that she doesn't have any adverse reactions to the immunizations. I'm also going to ask them to weigh her tomorrow...I'm curious to know how much weight she has gained this week!

She's been doing really well at home...she's eating well...Praise God! Of course we are still feeding her every 2 to 2 1/2 hours...we feel great if it is a 3 hour stretch. So please continue to pray for our strength and endurance.

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