Monday, May 05, 2008

Baby Eagle Chick

Baby Eagle Chick,

Mommy and Daddy love you so much! We started calling you baby eagle chick months ago in the NICU when Daddy said, "doesn't she look like the cutest baby eagle chick you've ever seen?" It was your hair that made you look like a cute baby eagle chick...and it has stuck ever since, so that's why we call you that. We came to see you this morning and you were awake. You were trying to get your hand up to your mouth to pull your ventilator out because you didn't like it. So we had to take turns holding your hand so you wouldn't pull it out. They lowered the ventilator machine and you were breathing on your own on top of it, so they are going to try to get rid of it tomorrow! We know that it will make you really happy when you don't have that anymore. After that we had to leave you for a little bit because they tried to put a PICC line in you because your central line had started to leak. We didn't want to leave you, but we knew that we would see you soon. They weren't able to put it in and they didn't want to poke you too much so they only tried a couple of times. They then wanted to work on your central line to see if they could fix that and we were so thankful when they did. Baby eagle chick, you are such a trooper and a fighter, we wish that it was us that was hurt and you were still whole. But we continue to trust that God has a plan for you and that He can still heal you. During the afternoon, mommy took a nap and daddy and Grandma Cheri stayed with you. The anesthesiologist from your surgery came by and had just found out today what happened. He was so sorry and told daddy that he would pray for you every day. We were glad he came. Later, you were opening your eyes quite a bit and they were talking to you. Daddy started making funny noises, like the ones we did before the surgery at home, and you would get real still and listen. That was encouraging to us. We continue to pray for you all the time eagle chick and our prayer is that God would heal you and that you would be able to see us and recognize us. There are lots of people all over the world praying for you and we continue to get notes that encourage us also. We love you so much!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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