Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So, what the doctor told us yesterday is that her bottom was looking better on the inside...there's a small opening next to her anal opening that he has put some packing in because that's where it wasn't healing. The opening won't be there forever, but since she wasn't healing properly, he left a tiny opening to put packing into. So, in between the anal opening and the vagina is where her body isn't healing. So, pray that it would continue to look better, pray that we wouldn't have to keep doing this because it makes us nervous to have her put under anesthesia so much. So, the plan is to go back on Friday and have him look at it again. Pray that it would be healed significantly.

On the way home yesterday we stopped at In & Out and Mia had her first real taste of French Fries. She is a girl after her Grandma Cheri's heart (Grandma Cheri loves In & Out)...she loved the fries and couldn't get enough of them. Next step...hamburgers. :)

Thank you for praying for our sweetpea!

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