Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today Mia got her first pimple. I think it's strange and she probably doesn't appreciate me telling the whole world. :). Oh well, she probably won't like it when I share her baby pictures when she gets older also.

Today Mia also stood up in front of the fridge for the first time, that's a bit scary for us because she doesn't get out of standing too well and we definitely don't want any falls on the tile floor, that could be bad. :(

The transition to the hip brace has been going so so, last night not so well, so pray that she would adjust to it quickly. And keep praying for speech, I so miss the "mamas".

1 comment:

T, R & J said...

We love you guys and pray regularly for Mia to speak. Can't wait to see you all in a couple months!