Friday, January 22, 2010


Yesterday we went back to school for the first time in a few weeks because we hadn't been able to with all of our doctor visits. Well, there was a guest speaker who I wanted to hear, but it was going to be out of the classroom, so I knew that would be difficult for Mia since she is so attached to her Mommy. But I thought, let's just give it a try and see what happens, they can always call me and have me come back if she has a major meltdown. I was probably just as scared as she was, maybe even a bit heart was racing, my hands were getting sweaty, I just wanted it to be ok for her. Well, after 30 minutes of no phone calls, I thought, hey, this might work, that would be amazing! It did, 2 hours later I came back and she was just fine, so happy to see me, but just fine. They said she did great! She cried right away, for about 10 minutes, and was getting close to making herself throw-up, but they distracted her with something and she got through that and was fine the rest of the time. So, praise God! I feel like that is a major accomplishment for us. And I'm going to try to take more of a hands off approach at school, even go out for a walk outside and just let her get adjusted to being there by herself or with other people. Eventually when she is 3, I can't go to school with her anymore, so now is the time to start working on it. Baby steps...

1 comment:

Courtney Gholson said...

ohh yucky...I have had that glucose drink...but for hypoglycemia...not fun!! ~Courtney