Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Today was Mia's last day of private speech therapy.  She's come a long way!  We are so proud of our little girl and it was almost surreal that it was our last day.  Next week she starts kindergarten and everything is going to change...this will be a pretty big transition for us...

So, remember back to the beginning of the summer when I gave myself permission to not worry about Mia's schedule until August...well, things are so different now that her schedule has become rather simplified.  Praise God!  She will still do OT once a week and we are hoping to pick up a PT spot also, but they are so booked that nothing is available at the moment.  She will continue with MARE, but I will probably pull her out of school an hour early to do that and so the only thing left is vision therapy and that is still undecided whether or not we will continue with that.  So it's looking like her schedule is working itself out for me, thank you Lord! 

Kindergarten will be all day for her, so that is going to be a change.  I think the person who will have the hardest time adjusting is Calvin.  Mia is his best friend and I know that he will be sad when she is not around, so be praying that he adjusts well to all of this. 

On a different note, Asher can now get himself into sitting...and he's starting to stretch and consolidate his naps, that makes this Mama very happy. 

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