Wednesday, March 05, 2014

The Dentist

Mia and Calvin had their routine check ups to the dentist today and they both did great. 

It is still very traumatic for Mia to get her teeth cleaned by the dentist, so I'm always super grateful when she doesn't have any cavities.  We try so hard to brush and floss daily because we know that it will be awful if she ever has to get a cavity filled.  Her mouth is really tiny, so there is some concern about space issues as she loses her baby teeth and gets her adult teeth, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.  She does have a couple of wiggly teeth, but none that have come out of these days. 

About a year ago I realized that Calvin watching his sister get her teeth cleaned was making him anxious, so I started bringing a helper (today Grandma Cheri) and she waits out front with the kids while I go back with them one on one.  Calvin did fantastic today, no tears and no trauma.  What a big boy!

Asher will have his first teeth cleaning in a few weeks, he already has 12 teeth!  And I think he has a few more that are coming in right now.  His 1 year molars are already in and have been for awhile now.  Time to start him on the dentist routine.  :)

Thank you Lord for no cavities and good visits to the dentist!

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