Sunday, May 08, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

It's hard to believe that 8ish years ago, I became a mom.  That doesn't really seem possible to me, yet our little bean is 8 years old!  When you are in the daily moment, it is definitely not easy and can seem like forever, but when you take a step back and look at it, time goes so quickly.  So, I try to enjoy this time, try to remember that it is a journey and not a destination and realize there will be bumps in the road.  Some days that is easier than others, but I am grateful for my munchkins.  They are very unique and so special to me.  I'm so glad that God entrusted them to us. 

Last week, Mia had a seizure and fell down and broke her collar bone.  Sigh.  Big Sigh.  I was in the other room and she'll sometimes giggle loudly after a seizure, so I heard her giggling and knew she had just had one.  I went to check on her and she had fallen in the living room on the carpet, so I thought, ok, this should be ok.  Well, after she came to, I got her up to walk around a bit to make sure everything was ok and she immediately started complaining about her shoulder.  I was hoping it was just bruised, but after a doctor visit and x-ray, it was definitely broken.  She's wearing a figure 8 brace now and will be in it for at least 6 weeks.  I'm going to call an orthopedic doctor in Bakersfield on Monday, just to see about getting her in for him to look at her x-ray and make sure the figure 8 brace is all she needs.  She broke her right collar bone, which is her dominant hand because of the left-sided weakness, her OT encouraged us to get a second opinion just to make sure because she uses this arm/hand for everything. 

If you think about it, please be praying for her healing.  Now we are especially aware when she is up and about because the thought of her falling again and rebreaking it is overwhelming.  Praying for protection and healing for our sweet Mia. 

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