Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Long Overdue Update

So we've been battling illness in our family.  Mia's cold turned into a sinus infection and she is now on antibiotics...hopefully that will get her completely better.

Last week I went up to Madera with Calvin, Asher and my mom.  We stayed for a couple days while Calvin was getting some allergy testing allergy testing.  It all came back normal, so at this point, there is nothing we are aware of that he is allergic too.  I decided that I should keep a food journal to see if we can isolate the symptoms with the food and hopefully that will give us more answers.  He was a trooper though and did really well. 

On Saturday we got an early Christmas gift.  Asher had another echo done of his heart and it came back perfect.  The tiny ASD that he had is now closed!  Praise God! 

The kids have been enjoying the holiday season.  They are enjoying all the festivities that are leading up to Christmas...we have a few outings to look at lights planned and just really trying to spend quality time as a family. 

My brother and his wife and kids are coming from North Carolina for Christmas this year, so we are looking forward to spending time with them.  It's been over a year since we've seen them, so we are excited that they will be here. 

Asher is super close to walking...he can now stand still for a few moments.  He did actually try to take a few steps the other day, but nothing too serious yet.  One of these days.  :)

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