Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pokey Pastures

We had a great memorial day weekend.  We spent some time with the grandparents on Sunday and then headed up to Palmdale on Monday to my brother's place.  Grandma Cheri, Uncle Paul and my Auntie Eva were also there.  It was a nice visit and the kids enjoyed time with the cousins and time with the sheep!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

15 Months!

It's hard to believe Asher is 15 months, well, almost 16 now, but we had his 15 month appointment at the doctor today.  He's doing great.  He weighed in at 25 pounds and is now 33 1/2 inches long.  The boy is going to be tall.  He is very healthy and we couldn't be happier.  Thank you Lord for our healthy baby!

Like Calvin, he appears to be a very early talker...which is so unique, especially with boys.  He has quite a few words already...mama, dada, nana (which he uses for Nana, banana and sissy), bye bye, baba (for his sippy cup), wawa (for water), nono, ball, bubble...and a few more I can't think of.  He's even stringing together two words, he will say bye bye dada when Brad leaves for work.  This is a very sweet, fun stage...slightly exhausting, but very sweet. 

The other very cute thing he does is he will sing twinkle twinkle little star with you before his naptime.  We decided way back when we were sleep training to do a song before nap and bed, so he does twinkle twinkle before nap and you are my sunshine before bed.  He sings right along with you and it is very adorable. 

We love this baby!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sweet Childhood Moments

I have to constantly remind myself to write down the things the kids say because I will never remember them.  I love that this blog is something they can look back at and have a glimpse into their childhood. 

Yesterday at dinner Calvin asked, "How does Jesus get into our hearts?"  Brad and I stopped in our tracks and looked at each other...one of those parenting moments you get so excited about!  We told him that you have to believe that Jesus is God's son and that He died for you...and that you have to then want to live for God.  We said if you believe that, you can then just ask Jesus to come into your heart.  Such sweet innocence, a childlike faith...he then said, "Jesus, come into my heart." 

Is that his salvation moment?  I don't think so, but I do believe that it is a baby step towards understanding and owning his own faith.  There is a moment when he will have to make a decision himself, do I really believe this and is this what I want my life to be about.  We are just entrusted with teaching him and praying for and with him.  Thank you Lord for this sweet boy who loves you!

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Happy May!

The weather has been beautiful this past week.  I know it won't last, but we have been enjoying the cool, spring days.  The kids have been playing outside quite a bit.  We have all these little frogs in our backyard and Calvin and Asher go bonkers over them.  I feel for the little frogs, I fear they don't stand much of a chance with these boys who don't quite know the meaning of gentle yet. 

Mia has been doing great in school.  We had her annual IEP review and they would like her to transition into a regular first grade classroom!  She will have a helper to assist with a few things, but she's just doing so well and we are so grateful.  Now we have to decide what is best for her...we are considering homeschooling and we are going to do a trial run this summer to see if that is a good fit or not.  Praise God for so many options for her!